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As our plane to get a great shot

All entertainers dream of having the chance to animate an important level within a movie. This fantastic plane that will allow us lucirnos as animators and then will raise the value of our demo reel. Conversely, if you give us a plane of characters who are upstage, back and generally planar, we seem to have sunk in misery and that this plane will not be able to do much. In my opinion, this is not so. We can not allow the quality of our work depends exclusively on the material we have as a starting point. From my point of view, there is neither good nor bad plans, everything depends solely on you, of your talent and your attitude especially when coping. The type of plane which is, looking for the brightest way you can think of solving and employs all your energies to achieve it. Herein lies the key to your plane is a large flat! There is sobreanimar or try adding bits that did not originally exist in the plane. Just enjoy your work without conditions, without thinking of rewards or if that plane finally anger to your reel. We are fortunate to work on what we like, so do just that… ¡Disfruta de tu trabajo!

As an example, here's a plane Planet 51 he encouraged Cristina Falcon. At that time, Cristina worked as an animator and gave one of these planes would seem that not going to get anywhere. A wide shot of Lem and Chuck back to camera. When I saw the animated plane surprised me what he had achieved with a shot that apparently had no chance. If you watch the plane is full of good details. In my opinion, one of the best shots in the sequence. In fact, for a time this plane was part of the demo reel of Cristina and contributed to the next step in his career was entering Animal Logic as a cheerleader in the Legend of the Guardians. I hope this motivates and every time you allocate a plane, whatever it is, what you afrontéis forward to make it the best of your shots.

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